Prevention of obesity for Cochiti Pueblo youth ages 13 – 18

H. Program Description This section includes program objectives, provides a detailed description of program components, as well as the evidence base that justifies your decision-making regarding the programs approach, strategies, content, implementers, and setting(s). This sections narrative should begin with the programs SMART intermediate behavioral objective(s) and SMART immediate program objectives. Next, a description of the programs major components should detail the following for each:
1. SMART process objective (stated in terms of program activities to be implemented by staff);
2. A detailed description of each component: a. Planned activities – information on how much of what will be done to whom by when and where; b. Details about the components educational content, strategy, implementers, and setting(s), including *evidence-based rationale for these decisions based on a review of (cited) intervention studies
Note: Quantifiable outputs should be integrated into the overall narrative to characterize program scope.
*There should be a logical link between program components and factors/behaviors the program aims to address.

I. Grounding in Behavioral Theory This section will introduce the behavioral theory that has been selected to guide the proposed program, and should include:
1. An introduction to the selected behavioral theory and a brief overview of its constructs;
2. Rationale for selecting this theory, consisting of a synthesis of at least 2-3 relevant interventions found in the scientific literature that were guided by this theory, including selected intervention outcomes/results;
3. A description of how you propose to operationalize the theorys constructs in the program, illustrated by the Theoretical Operationalization Table in the Appendix. Note: this table should be completed prior to this part of the narrative, and the table should guide drafting of the narrative.

J. Theory of Action and Logic Model 1. Theory of Action: Discuss the mechanism through which your program is intended to work. Include explicit if-then logic to illustrate the link between program inputs, activities, changes in theoretical constructs, and anticipated program outcomes. 

I have already completed majority of theses parts. I just need help with section H . Specifically number 2 with the planned activities . I only need 1 page to answer this section . I have attached my paper , it is labeled assignment 3 you can read it to get an idea. I have also attached my references. I have 2 references highlighted for two of the activities I have.