Principles of Finance discussion 7


There are two important questions financial managers should ask:

  • What level of assets are needed to operate?
  • How to finance those assets or raise capital? (The firm can use equity or debt financing or combination of both.)

Select a publicly traded company (make sure your selected company is  different than your classmates) based in KSA and look (in terms of  percentage) how it finances its operations using equity or debt  financing.

In addition, in Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 stated SMEs (Small-Medium  Size Enterprises) struggles to access adequate funding from the  financial institutions. Offer two recommendations how this struggle is  addressed and be in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030. 

Search the Internet for an academic or  industry-related article. Select an article that relates to these  concepts and explain how it relates to doing business in Saudi Arabia.

For your discussion post, your first step is to summarize the  article in two paragraphs, describing what you think are the most  important points made by the authors (remember to use citations where  appropriate). For the second step, include the reference listing with a  hyperlink to the article. Do not copy the article into your post and  limit your summary to two paragraphs. Let your instructor know if you  have any questions and enjoy your search.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question  post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructors  response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and  constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and  evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesnt  fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course.  Answering all course questions is also required.


  • Chapter 12 in Foundations  of Finance – Determining the Financing Mix
  • Benlemlih, M. (2017). .  Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 42-43, 1-10, 2017. Retrieved  from
  • Li, Z., Li, Q., & Zeng, Y. (2020). . Journal of  Management Science and Engineering.


  • in Foundations of Finance – Determining the Financing Mix
  • Yan, C., & Huang, K. X. D. (2020). Economic Modelling.