Principles of management

Paper: Write a 3-5 page paper about what you learned in the class. In this paper, I’m looking for you to synthesize the course material and explain why the theorists, concepts, and approaches learned matter. I want to know what you will do with this knowledge and how it may help you understand your organization. I want you to describe why any of this matters.
Please use APA 6th edition with a cover page, abstract, proper headings, introduction, body, discussion, conclusion, and a reference page. I want a minimum of four scholarly sources: NO popular press, satire articles, or generic Google searches (Google Scholar is fine). Use the course resources tab to help if you need to know what a scholarly resource is and how to find it.

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
* Know the effects of change on management.
* Compare the differences between different management processes.
* Describe various responsibilities of management.
* Understand the different planning and decision-making processes.
* Discuss the purpose of Human Resource Management (HRM).

Course Content
Detail the functions of a manager
Understand how the environmental mix interact with a business
Describe the issues of international management
Realize the importance of Management by Objectives
Describe the various tools of Project Management
Compute the break-even analysis concept
Use various decision making processes
Know the difference between various organizational structures
Describe various organizational cultures
Know how to recruit, perform appraisal, train employees
Compare and Contrast various motivational theories
Realize group development and dynamics
Describe the different forms of influence, power and leadership
Define crisis management
Understand the need for total quality management