Principles of Marketing

1. Strategies and Target Marketing

While online shopping had been growing over the last decade, 2020s pandemic and lockdowns propelled the activity to new heights. We will use this case to look at how online vs. in-store shopping is presented.

2. A full-text database, research marketing strategy, and target marketing for online vs. store-based business.

3. Company Background

Select a business that has both online and physical stores. Provide a background of the company; define the target market. Cite and reference your sources. (1/2 page) IBISWorld, used in Module 1, may be a good resource.

The In-Store Experience

Research how the company promotes its store. Look to social media, traditional marketing, and articles about the stores strategy. Provide an overview of how the store communicates with consumers. Consider its target markets. Cite and reference your sources. (1 page)

Online Shopping

Research how the company promotes its online shopping. Look to social media, its online store, and articles about the sites strategy. Provide an overview of how the online store communicates with consumers. Consider its target markets. Cite and reference your sources. (1 page)

Making Connections

Based on the research above, compare and contrast how the company markets its two shopping situations. Provide rationale. Cite and reference your sources. (1/2 page)

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation.

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring Level 2-Developing on the grading rubric.

This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings. It must be written in the third person; this means words like I, we, and you are not appropriate.