Probability and Statistics for Business and Economics

I need at least two pages.

 I also included a word document with the same information:

1.  Read the article at the following link:

a.  Provide a detailed summary of the article in terms of the key points, major issues raised, what you perceived as the most important facts, and any suggestions or recommendations you might have etc. 

b.  Evaluate the article and identify the important factors which the author overlooked or were not taken into context and might have led to different conclusions.

c.  Comment on the various statistics which were used throughout the article and whether the statistics provided enough evidence to support the writer’s position.  If you were to write a similar article, which statistics would you collect that the writer did not mention, and why would you collect them?  What would be the importance of the statistics?

d.  Based on your review of the article, provide alternatives to the author’s view, that you believe are the most significant indicators of the failure to earn a college degree within six years.   

2.  Using the information in the article:

a.  Choose or develop an independent and a dependent variable related to the information.  Clearly state how you would collect data related to the variables and describe the type of relationship you would expect to see from simple linear regression analysis. 

b.  Identify a significant moderating variable between your dependent and independent variable and explain the impact of the moderating variable.  Explain how a college student, the college administration, and the Department of Education could benefit from your regression analysis and the specific variables you identified.  State how your regression analysis could change the outcome for students.

c.  You are now the president of a university.  Describe the actions you would take, based on the analysis you completed.   

Note: Please be sure to respond in a manner which demonstrates that you have thoroughly read the article, that you are familiar with linear regression analysis, and that you can make inferences and decisions based on the analysis.