Problems need to include all required steps and answer(s) for full credit. All answers need to be reduced to lowest terms where possible. If the answer is in %, show two decimal places. Answer the fol

Problems need to include all required steps and answer(s) for full credit. All answers need to be reduced to lowest terms where possible. If the answer is in %, show two decimal places.

Answer the following problems showing your work and explaining (or analyzing) your results. Submit your work in a typed Microsoft Word document.

Below are excel functions, which you can use to solve for measures of central tendency and variability. You can use the formulas too; but, they will be time consuming.


Measures of Central Tendency

Suppose data are in cells A1 to A10

Mean                                           =AVERAGE(A1:A10)

Median                                         =MEDIAN(A1:A10)

Mode                                            =MODE(A1:A10)

Measures of Variability

Suppose data are in cells A1 to A10

Range                                            =MAX(A1:A10)-MIN(A1:A10)

IQR                                                =QUARTILE.EXC(Array,3)-QUARTILE.EXC(Array,1)

Population Variance σ2                  =VAR.P(A1:A10)

Sample Variance s2                       =VAR(A1:A10) or VAR.S(A1:A10)

Population Standard Deviation σ   =STDEV.P(A1:A10)

Sample Standard Deviation s        =STDEV(A1:A10) or STDEV.S(A1:A10)