Production Management

BCO 214   PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT  Resit Assignment Task brief & rubrics


 individual Task

 Two cases (see below)


  Two (2) Word file report

 Around 1.000 words each

 Font: Arial 12,5 pts. 

 Text alignment: Justified. 

Company NEMFEN is located in Barcelona. They design and manufacture high-tech LED lighting. The company is family owned (Pedro Garca, owner) exporting 70% of their production to 20 different countries all over the world.
Products are usually customized considering different design requirements, voltage, frequency as well other electrical parameters.
Quality control has been implemented at the end of the production process. Each and every component is dimensionally and electrically checked by one employee separating out the wrong units. During the last 3 years , sales have experienced a dramatic growth. However, rejections have also increased from 0,5% up to 1,5% of the total production.
Cristina Garca, owners daughter has recently graduated at the EU Business School. She has joined the Company with the main task of improving quality ratios.

1. From your point of view, which are the main weaknesses of the existing quality control process?
2. If you were Cristina, in order to improve the Quality Control process and the performance indicators of the Company?

 Which changes should you implement in terms of quality control?

 Which quality systems should you put in practice?


 Company Premium Paper is located near Paris. The design and print paper for  furniture applications (usually called melamine paper). Production process consists on printing raw paper. Raw paper is delivered in big rolls (700 Kgs). Production process is done in multi-stage printing machines. Each stage of the machine contains an engraved cylinder and ink. Paper runs on the different stages and the combination of all of them provides the final printed paper.
Set up times in these machines are very long (3/4 hours). This means that every time the process is stopped because of any technical issue, the costs can be enormous.
Premium paper has 6 printing lines (3 Stoner Machines , 2 Rotomec Machines and  1 Grimaldi Machine  (the oldest one)

Premium Paper has a highly experienced maintenance team. Every time a machine suffers a breakdown they run and try to fix it as soon as possible. However due to some unexpected failures and lack of spare parts, Premium Paper is suffering very serious productivity problems.

 How should you define the maintenance process?

 Which changes should you implement in terms of maintenance?

 Which recommendations should you address to the Top Management with respect the machines park?

Submission: SUNDAY 11th APRIL 2021, 23:59HRS ON MOODLE

Weight: Resit worth 100% of the overall grade Please remember resits are capped at 70% 


 Understand the scope of Production Management by covering the various aspects and interactions of Facility Location; Plant Layout & Materials Handling, Product & Process Design; Production Planning and Control; Quality Control; Materials Management and Maintenance, in a one plant solution;

 Study the organization of Production Management in a hybrid solution, where other partners intervene;

 Place the production process in an entrepreneurial, global and IT driven context. 

 On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 understand the production management within operation management;

 describe operations processes design and their management to contextualize and improve production performance;

 assess lay out design and evaluate facility location;

 evaluate how to elaborate a master production schedule (MRS) and material requirement planning (MRP);

 understand quality control components and measures;

BCO214 Production Management   Resit Assignment Rubrics







Marginal fail





Student demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts and uses vocabulary in an entirely appropriate manner

Student demonstrates good understanding of the task and mentions some relevant concepts anddemonstrates use of the relevant vocabulary

Student understands the task and provides minimum theory and/or some use of vocabulary

Student understands the task and attempts to answer the question but does not mention key concepts or  uses minimum amount of relevant vocabulary.

Student does not understand the task, or does not attempt the question, but fails to mention key concepts fails to use any relevant vocabulary


Student applies knowledge of all relevant concepts to the case, demonstrating an excellent understanding of them

Student applies knowledge of most relevant concepts to the case, demonstrating a good understanding of them

Student applies knowledge of some relevant concepts to the case, demonstrating a fair understanding of them

Student applies limited knowledge of a few concepts related to the case, demonstrating limited understanding of them

Student fails to link concepts to the case and their answer demonstrates very little or no understanding of any relevant concepts and how they apply


Student assembles a coherent response to the question, providing a range of support and justification that leads to a well-reasoned conclusion

Student assembles a good response to the question, providing support and justification that lead to a well-reasoned conclusion

Student assembles a fair response to the question, providing some support and justification that lead to a well-reasoned conclusion. Minor misunderstandings may be evident

Students response to the question lacks coherence. Limited support and justification are provided that may or may not be well linked to the conclusion

Students response lacks coherence, support or justification. Conclusions are non-existent or extremely poor, demonstrating major misunderstandings


Student communicates ideas extremely clearly and concisely

Student communicates ideas clearly and concisely

Student communicates ideas fairly clearly and concisely

Student attempts to communicate ideas clearly and concisely, with some problems

Student fails to communicate ideas clearly