
Final Project Assignment Approval Template

Instructions: After reviewing the information provided in Week 12 for the final project, you must select one of the options for your poster presentation and abstract. Based on your selection, you may have to define any specifics that you plan on presenting. This is a non-graded submission that requires your professor’s approval.

Example of a student’s response for the professor’s review:

Student Name: Jane Smith

Selected Option: Option 2-A: Implementing a Quality Improvement (QI) Initiative using a Specific Quality Method for a Healthcare Facility.

Healthcare Setting: Ambulatory Center

QI Initiative: CAHPS Improvement

Tool/Method: Six Sigma

Actual Organization or Hypothetical Situation: Actual Company

Name of Organization: Mayo Clinic

At Least One Idea for Your Graph/Illustration/Image that You will Create: SMART Goal and one Six Sigma Tool Image that I will create.

Provide a summary of your ideas that you may present: (Be sure to offer any additional details about your selected option below for your professor’s review. You can always change the details, as the summary should provide an overview of your ideas, so the professor can understand your approach and offer any recommendations or support.)


I plan on using the CAHPS measures to address a QI project at the Mayo Clinic located in Jacksonville, FL to address patient care concerns, as the current CAHPS scores need to be improved. I will present ideas and methods using Six Sigma. I will include some methods on my poster related to Six Sigma. I need to further explore the different Six Sigma tool options, but I will include one of them as my image/table/illustration on the poster. I have not decided on my SMART goal, yet, for my QI project. I need to research some best practices, but I plan on including the best practices as a guide for my poster.


Complete the Section Below for Your Professor’s Review:

Student’s Name:

Selected Option from Week 12 List:

Healthcare Setting/Situation/Location:

Actual Organization or Hypothetical Situation:

Name of Organization (if applicable):

Poster Focus Area:

Population of Focus:

Tool/Method/Approaches/Patient Outcomes (if applicable):

At Least One Idea for Your Graph/Illustration/Image that You will Create:


Provide a summary of your ideas that you may present: (Be sure to offer any additional details about your selected option below for your professor’s review. You can always change the details, as the summary should provide an overview of your ideas, so the professor can understand your approach and offer any recommendations or support.)