
Week 2 ProjectAssignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due May 10 at 12:59 AM

Initial Plan Development

This course has major project assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

This week, you will submit the first four parts of the course-length project. The project analyzed must be the project approved by the instructor in Week 1. The deliverables for Week 2 are:

  • The statement of need: Write a brief description of the chosen organization and discuss the background information associated with the problems that need to be solved.
  • The goals and objectives of the project: Identify project goals and the underlying objectives. Quantify the measurable performance expectations of the project plan to determine whether it meets the planned objectives. Performance should be defined in terms of:
    • The product or process specification
    • The total budget at completion of the plan
    • The time frame for completion of the plan
  • Stakeholders and project requirements: Identify the project’s stakeholders. Analyze their needs and wants and create a list of project requirements derived from the inputs provided by the stakeholders.
  • Project scope development: Identify the scope of the project to define the work that needs to be performed to meet the project objectives.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your report as a 3 to 5 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Name your document SU_PMC6601_W2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.


As you start to develop your responses to this week’s day 7 Project Assignment make sure to use information from credible sources to support each part of the assignment response.

Also apply APA formatting with the use of effective sub headings to organize and structure your paper; this will allow so guide you to make sure all parts have been addressed.

Suggested sub headings are:


Statement of Need

Project Stakeholders

Project Scope

Work to be Performed to Meet Project Objectives
