Project 3 – User Management and Authentication


Part 1: Create Groups

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. 

1. Step 1 Groups Screenshot

Part 2: Manage Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Roles

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. 

1. Step 1 Helpdesk Administrator Michael Pattis

2. Step 2 Global Administrator Sudan Pandya

Part 3: Examine User Login Activity

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. 

1. Step 1 User Sign-ins Activity

Part 4: Azure Active Directory Password Reset

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. 

1. Step 1 Selected User Password Reset

Part 5: Azure Active Directory Banned Passwords

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No external sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. 

1. Step 1 Banned Password Policy

Part 6: Authentication

The Opportunity: Basic Authentication and Moden Authentication 

Discuss in a few paragraphs the differences between basic authentication and modern authentication in the content of Microsoft 365 tenant. What authentication method should KCoder implement and why?


These sample citations use the IEEE style. Ensure you use in-text citations in the body of your paper as appropriate.

[1] Microsoft 365 for enterprise overview. 09, September 2020 [Online]. Available: [Accessed January 1, 2020]. 


Azure Active Directory Groups:

Azure AD Roles:

Azure Self Service Password Reset –

Azure Active Directory Banned Passwords: