

Personal Leadership Training Plan: FinalIn Units II, IV, V, and VI, you designed PowerPoint presentations on different elements of your Personal Leadership Training Plan. Now, you will put all of the sections together into one PowerPoint presentation. Make revisions to your previous sections based upon your feedback from your instructor. Additionally, you will add a description of a company or leader you admire and what you can learn from this company or leader.Start by reviewing your instructor’s feedback from Units II, IV, V, and VI, and then meet the following criteria:

  • Combine all PowerPoints into one presentation, and make revisions based on your instructor’s feedback and new knowledge.

Professor’s feedback: 

Good research paper submitted.
Good critical thinking was used in this assignment. I like that your citing and referencing were right on APA formatting. Good work!
Content: You started off with the information straight from the rubric of the assignment. Good job! But the end of a paper is the most difficult part to write. It should have your own thoughts taking the assignment to the next level. Strengthen the conclusion.
Organization:  This paper has a nice flow and it is understandable. 

  • Add introduction and conclusion slides (two slides).
  • Select either a leader or company you admire that experienced a major change in organizational culture.
  • Explain that change and the circumstances surrounding that change (seven slides minimum).
  • Explain how you can learn from this change (two slides minimum).
  • **Add notes for slides!!!

You are required to use at least one outside source for this assignment. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA format. You are not required to add additional slides to the portions submitted in previous units (unless otherwise instructed by your professor).