Project 5: Administration Cybersecurity Policy Review Step 11


Project 5: Administration Cybersecurity Policy Review
Step 11: Focus on NIST Report

Now that you have considered FISMA, it is time to consider an organization that defines standards and guidelines to comply with FISMA.

is an organization that works collaboratively with government and industry to create cybersecurity policies and standards. While much of the work that NIST does is more technical, in this segment you will explore the cybersecurity policy side of NIST. Your policy research should include FIPS 200 and SP 800-53, addressing both the intent of these policies as well as assessing how well they have been implemented. Through researching the NIST cybersecurity documents, complete the to create a high-level list of the “management and policy” cybersecurity issues put forth by NIST for government agencies and private industry.

This document will help you compose the NIST conclusions section of your final report. Submit your Focus on NIST report for feedback.