Research paper, project assignment.
This research and project consist of building an investment portfolio.
Follow this structure to help build your project:
1. Executive Summary
2. Investment Prerequisites
a. Description of Investor Profile
b. Description of Investment objectives
i. Income: For investors seeking regular income with low to
moderate risk to principal.
ii. Aggressive Income: For investors seeking higher returns either
as growth or as income with greater risk to principal.
iii. Capital Appreciation: investors seeking capital appreciation with
moderate to high risk to principal.
iv. Speculation: investors seeking high profits or quick returns with
considerable possibilityof losing most or all of their investment.
c. Desciption of Risk Tolerance:
i. Conservative.
ii. Moderate.
iii. Aggressive:
d. Description of Financial Need:
3. Proposed Portfolio
4. Description of the investment portfolio
5. Summary
6. References