Project: Course Project Stage 3

Project: Course Project Stage 3: Tailoring Messages toSpecific Social Media ChannelsJenny operates a small baking business out of her home. Though currently her business is small and local she makes avid use ofsocial media for promotion. She is conscious of the specificfeatures and opportunities offered by each social media channeland any constraints they might put on her message. Jenny’s mainhub of activity is her profile on a popular social network sitewhere she posts photo galleries of her culinary creations andallows customers to post testimonials and suggestions for newtreats. However she also makes frequent use of a microblog forup-to-the-minute quick communication. She lets patrons knowwhen new treats have been delivered to the corner coffee shopor when she has leftovers from catering jobs for sale to the firstpatrons who respond. Occasionally Jenny also uses a videosharing site to post brief demonstrations direct from her kitchen.Like Jenny in the scenario as you develop your Course Project you should recognize the importance of identifying theappropriate social media channels of distribution andunderstanding how those social media channels might impactyour message. For example some popular social media networksites facilitate interaction between friends families andcompanies often blurring the lines between the in-person andvirtual worlds. They allow users to share messages in the form ofwords and images and do not limit users’ ability to expressthemselves. In contrast microblogs constrain the number ofcharacters included in a single message with an emphasis onspeed and instant updates. They share the moment but in adifferent way. You can consider each social media channel a toolin your toolbox. Each tool has a use and an application but thetools are not all the same. If your emphasis is on a professionalactivity for a consulting agency you may want to consider theresources and tools at a social network site for professionals. Ifyou are creating your own company you may find channelstailored to that purpose are more effective.To prepare for Stage 3 of the Course Project:Locate informational resources on social media channels thatmay be appropriate for your Social Media Plan Course Project. Select four channels to include in your Social Media Plan.A 3- to 5-page paper that includes the following:An explanation of how each of the four channels youchose best suits your Social Media Pan.An explanation of how you plan to use each channel toachieve your goals and communicate your messagesincluding:A description of the images and words (nonverbal andverbal messages) you will communicate.An explanation of how those words and images may beperceived by different audiences including ethical andlegal considerations. Three references (two Readings and one additional WaldenLibrary resource) that support your choices and decision. Be sure to adhere to APA style guidelines and include propercitation..