Project Management

Prompt: In Modules One through Four, you created leadership journal assignments that will serve as the foundation of this draft.

Prompt: In Modules One through Four, you created leadership journal assignments that will serve as the foundation of this draft.

I. Introduction: In this section, explain the purpose and thesis of your paper. How would you describe your overall philosophy of leadership? Specifically, be sure to address the following:

A. Articulate the role of vision in your overall philosophy of leadership. In your view, what does it mean to have vision? Include examples from the course, your own research, or relevant professional experiences where clear vision was established or not established, and describe the outcomes of each.

B. Articulate the importance of scope in your overall philosophy of leadership. Why is it important to the success of the engineering team to be clear and transparent about the full scope of a project? Include examples from the course, your own research, or your relevant professional experiences.

II. Organizational Structures

A. Analyze the organizational structure of integrated project teams (IPT) by illustrating their characteristics, including their advantages and disadvantages, using specific examples.

B. Explain why integrated project teams are the ideal structure for engineering projects. Cite specific examples and evidence from the course, your own research, or your professional experiences to support your claims.

III. Project Management Principals

A. Analyze the three foundational elements of project managementā€”cost, schedule, and requirements. Why is each important? What are their interrelationships? Specifically, discuss the impacts to the other two variables if any one of the three is constrained. Use specific examples and evidence from the course, your research, or your professional experiences to illustrate your response.

B. Additionally, examine the specific nature of project management within an engineering environment. What are the unique systems engineering challenges and implications of managing projects that are highly technical and cross-functional in nature? Provide specific evidence from the course, your own research, or your professional experiences to illustrate your claims. For example, this is where you might consider why it is important to have strong customer support and comprehensive technical requirements to ensure project success.

C. Using your analysis, articulate your strategies for appropriately balancing each project management element in an engineering environment. For example, what reports would you require from your staff to ensure the project is on track to meet your vision and goals? Which project management tools would you employ? How would you prevent scope creep? Provide specific examples and evidence from the course, your own research, or your professional experiences to support your approach.

IV. Conclusion: Draw your paper to a close by restating your thesis and underscoring the most important guiding principles discussed in your paper. Be sure to connect the principles with your future professional goals, including your plans for implementing these ideas into your professional practice.

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of the engineering leadership paper should be 4 pages double spaced, with 12-pt. Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.