Proof-of-Concept Report


Your task is to develop a proof of concept by building a virtual  machine on the AWS cloud platform to host the company’s current  infrastructure. For the purpose of the lab, you will use Amazon Virtual  Private Cloud (VPC) to create your own VPC and launch a web server to  host the company’s web server. You will also create security groups for  an EC2 instance, configure and customize the EC2 instance to run the web  server, and launch it into the VPC. 

For this project, you will need to complete the “Build a Virtual  Private Cloud and Launch a Web Server” hands-on activity and include  screenshots of your work in the project. Read the report template before  starting the activity for instructions on required screenshots.

Use the  to  prepare a report that shows the steps and results for the proof of  concept. In the template, you will see specific instructions in the  document. Delete the instruction text before you submit your project.

Your report should:

  • Be five to seven pages long (plus an appendix for screenshots, cover page, and table of contents) 
  • Address the topics listed in the Proof-of-Concept Report Template
  • Include the following screenshots from the “Build a Virtual Private Cloud and Launch a Web Server” activity:
    • Start Lab page 
    • AWS Management Console Name with your name visible from user drop-down 
    • Task 1: Create Your VPC
    • Task 2: Create Additional Subnets
    • Task 3: Create a VPC Security Group
    • Task 4: Launch a Web Server Instance