Prosecution and Defense Argument

In this assignment, you will be introduced to what is required to defend and prosecute a case. Your team will divide into 2 groups to present the prosecution and defense arguments for a case. Work together in your group to come to a consensus for your side. Take this opportunity to imagine yourself in the place of the defense or prosecution.

You continue to excel as the newest paralegal in your law firm. Your next task is to organize a modified mock trial to assist the lawyers in preparing for the pending trial.

Review the State v. Stu Dents Court Case document to develop your arguments.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that includes each sides arguments.

Defense group, address the following as you write your arguments:
Define types of homicide and corpus delicti. How is this related to the case?
Does your team feel this defendant is competent to stand trial? Why or why not?
Distinguish between competency to stand trial and an insanity defense.
What is required in your state for an insanity defense?
What steps must be taken to prove insanity?

Format the paper according to APA guidelines.