Providing Accurate and Evidence-Based Recommendations

 With the passage of No Child Left Behind in 2001 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2004 there is a greater emphasis placed on educators to develop and implement evidence-based practices. Review in preparation for this discussion.

Initial Post: Post an initial post addressing each of the following:

  • In at least one paragraph for each recommendation, formulate two evidence-based recommendations; one for Mr. Franklin and another for Mrs. Mills for determining which
    • instructional strategies,
    • teaching routines, and
    • type of classroom environment will positively affect Biancas learning.
  • In at least one paragraph, provide a justification for your recommendations using support from at least three scholarly sources, one of which should be the course textbook. 



Cohen, L. & Spenciner, L. (2009)  (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publication.