Submit a 1-2 page paper in which you invent a client. You must give the “clients” basic information, such as age, sex, ethnicity. You must also clearly state the reason for the testing, and finally you must state the tests you will be administering and why you selected the test(s).An “A” paper must include:a. clarity in the statement outlining what you want to know from the testingb. test selections that have the highest probability of assessing what you want to assess, i.e. using the best testing techniquec. presentation of supportive data, ( i.e. reliability and validity of the test), to do what you say you want it to doc. impeccable spellingd. well thought out, concise, and clearly written presentation. A suggestion:  Use headings to organize your paper. Such as: Name of the Client:  Rita Polivick Date of Birth:  00/00/0000 Background Information: This client…………… Reason for referral:…………………….. Tests Recommended for Administration:………….. Validity to measure…………. Reliability to measure….is….. These tests answer the question………….  Add any headings that support your work