

Chapter 7 and the corresponding lecture notes discuss a phenomenon known as flashbulb memories. For your initial post, submit a minimum of 2 paragraphs (3-5 sentences minimum each paragraph) summarizing your responses to the questions below. OR, you can simply number your answers. Don’t forget to engage with at least 2 of your classmates in a meaningful way so you can earn those precious Engagement points! Each peer response should be at least 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences minimum) in length.

1. Given what you read in Chapter 7 and the corresponding notes, how do you define flashbulb memory in your own words?

2. Identify and describe a flashbulb memory that you have for a national/historic event, sharing the major details that you can remember. Who were you with? What were you doing? How were you feeling? Any sights, sounds, smells that you can remember?

3. Identify and describe a flashbulb memory that you have for a personal event, sharing the major details that you can remember. Who were you with? What were you doing? How were you feeling? Any sights, sounds, smells that you can remember?*Note that this is a public forum so do not share anything with the group that you aren’t comfortable sharing!

What classifies as a national/historic event? Any major event that others in the class might also have memories for such as 9/11, a hurricane or other natural disaster, an election night, mass shootings, death of a celebrity, space launch, pandemic, verdicts of course cases that garnered national attention (e.g., O.J. Simpson, George Floyd, etc..), national protests, etc…

What classifies as a personal event? Any event that you experienced such as a birthday, wedding, funeral, car accident, graduation, special day, traumatic day, etc…