

Discussion 7

Use Skinner’s Operant Conditioning model to explain superstitious behavior, such as refusing to open an umbrella indoors, or stepping on a crack in the sidewalk. Why do we engage in these behaviors? Support your views with the assigned reading.

Make sure to reference and cite your textbook as well as any other source you may use to support your answers to the question. Your initial post must include appropriate APA references at the end.


Discussion 8

Intelligence (IQ) tests are good predictors of school performance. What factors are not measured by IQ tests but greatly influence academic achievement? What benefits are there to identifying some students as “slow” and some as “gifted?”

Make sure to reference and cite your textbook as well as any other source you may use to support your answers to the question. Your initial post must include appropriate APA references at the end.



Discussion 7

How does the scale of a sculpture affect how we respond to it? Does a large sculpture seem more important than a small one?  Select an example of a large and small sculpture in your response. Include an image of each. Nonrepresentational sculpture can be controversial. Should public art be representational so everyone “gets it?”


Discussion 8

“Architecture is not about math or zoning — it’s about visceral emotions,” says Marc Kushner. Discuss your thoughts on the Marc Kushner video. In what way has this video made you more aware of the architecture around you and in the world at large? In what way do you feel connected and/or disconnected to the buildings in your life?  Include examples in your response.