Psychology Assignment Check

PSY 101 Homework 4: Applying the REBT ABCDE Model to Categorize, Challenge/Dispute, and Change/Exchange/Replace Irrational Beliefs to More Rational Beliefs

Make sure you’ve worked through this week’s module introduction and instructional materials and instructor guidance and reviewed the Homework 4 assignment instructions before working on this assignment. 


Use the following table to cue you to include each part as you work through A, B, C, D, and E of this process.  There is an example provided in the instructions to guide you on what to include in each column/row.


A: Activating Event or Situation Describe the details of your challenging situation.
B:  Beliefs or Thinking (many of these will be irrational thoughts) Include the following 3 types of thoughts:

1.    YOUR thoughts about yourself in the situation (B1):

2.    YOUR thoughts about the other person in the situation (B2):

3.    YOUR thoughts about the situation itself (B3):


C:   Consequences: Feelings and Behaviors Feelings:









D:  Dispute:

Apply Irrational Belief

Categories from the Text (these are different from column B!) and Dispute/Challenge/Question them

Include at least 3 irrational belief categories for the irrational thoughts from the prior column B and use the irrational belief category “theme” to dispute/challenge/question the irrational parts of it to prepare you to exchange your thoughts in the next column E. You’re focusing on what makes this thinking irrational.


1.    Irrational belief category 1, what’s irrational about it, and use it to dispute the irrational belief (B1):


2.    Irrational belief category 2, what’s irrational about it, and use it to dispute the irrational belief (B2):

3.    Irrational belief category 3, what’s irrational about it, and use it to dispute the irrational belief (B3):




E:  Exchange/ Change the Irrational Beliefs and Change to More Rational Thoughts (Not Behavior) Make sure to exchange/change your thoughts for each irrational belief category you included in the prior column.


1.    Exchanged, more rational thought for irrational belief category 1:

2.    Exchanged, more rational thought for irrational belief category 2:

3.    Exchanged, more rational thought for irrational belief category 3:




To clarify, the focus of this assignment has been on changing how you think to change how you feel and act.  We haven’t yet gotten to any potential behavior that you might take after changing how you think.  By changing how you think, you’re less likely to act passively or aggressively and more likely to act assertively.


□ Yes  □ No   Did you follow the homework assignment instructions?

□ Yes  □ No   Did you complete the entire assignment?

□ Yes  □ No   Did you spellcheck and proofread for spelling/grammatical errors and understandability to demonstrate college level/professional writing?


2 points each for complete responses:

  • Example of Activating event (A) provided sufficient detail about the challenging situation.
  • Example of Beliefs (B) included irrational thoughts in all 3 categories.
  • Example of Consequences (C) included feelings and behaviors you experienced in the situation.
  • Example of Disputing irrational thoughts (D) includes 3 irrational belief categories from the text that start to dispute why they are irrational.
  • Example of Exchanging irrational thoughts for more rational ones (E) goes further than D with the same 3 thoughts to replace the thoughts with more rational examples of thoughts (not feelings or behavior) to help you manage this situation or other similar ones.


Points will be deducted for spelling/grammar issues.  Use spellcheck and proofreading to make sure that you are demonstrating college level/professional writing.


Also, make sure your homework can be read and understood so that you are demonstrating your ability to understand and apply the course material to your life.


We are lucky at PCC to have the Writing Centers at each campus including the Online Writing Lab (OWL) so make good use of these resources if they’ll help your success as a student!