Psychology Discussion Question

To complete this activity,

  • Choose one of the following situations from everyday life in which learning (i.e., a relatively permanent change in behavior) is desirable. 
    • Margot wants her husband, Todd, to stop leaving his dirty laundry on the floor.
    • Coach K wants to increase his basketball players free-throw percentages.
    • Moore wants his dog to stop jumping up on visitors.
    • Biggs Boss wants his employees to arrive on time.
    • ONeill wants her preschoolers to raise their hands before speaking.
    • Joe wants his son to earn good grades.
    • Jack wants his girlfriend, Jill, to show more affection.
    • Marty wants his friend, Dave, to stop smoking.
    • Insert your own situation: ____________________________________
  • Prepare a plan utilizing operant conditioning principles to change the behavior of the targeted individual(s), clearly identifying and justifying suitable reinforcers or punishers to attain your desired outcome. 
    • Example: If I want my son to eat his vegetables (i.e., increase a desired behavior), I could do several things. 
      • If he eats his vegetables, I could apply a positive reinforcer by adding something he does like, such as screen time; alternatively, I could apply a negative reinforcer by taking away something he does not like, such as one of his weekly chores.
      • If he does not eat his vegetables, I could apply a positive punisher by adding something he does not like, such as a new weekly chore; alternatively, I could apply a negative punisher by taking away something he does like, such as screen time.
  • After you have shared your plan, discuss at least three factors that might impact the success of your plan, including social and cultural considerations.
  • Describe at least one ethical consideration as relevant to operant conditioning.

With regard to learning:

  • Review the suggestions provided by your peer and provide useful input on the potential effectiveness.
  • Discuss other strategies that align with operational conditioning that could also sculpt the behavior in your peers choice of scenario. Would classical conditioning be effective? Does observational learning play a role in this behavior?
  • If you did not post originally on this content, share you own behavioral modification plan.

Must be minimum of 300 words