Psychology Discussions

What kind(s) of stereotypes of older women discussed in the course textbook research are relevant to the issues raised in this video- explain in detail why they are used? What stereotypes about women’s aging processes and expereinces as discussed in the textbook research are challenged or reinforced by these women’s comments- explain in detail? Review the textbook research regarding the aging body– how do these women’s comments support or refute these findings? Consider the beauty work findings outlined in the textbook research- how would any two women in this video respond to this?  Discuss in detail if this video supports characteristics of aging successfully as discussed in the textbook research? Review the textbook research regarding the aging women’s confidence and empowerment– how do these women’s comments support or refute these findings?Consider statements made the comments section below this video; how do these support or refute any of. the textbook research assertions (click on the Youtube icon in the lower right corner to access these comments)? 

300 words



please use video and book as sources