Psychology of violent relations class Two different assignments Instructions: Please use and apply material from the text and/or lecture when answering this question. Please aim for an answer that is

Psychology of violent relations class

Two different assignments

Instructions: Please use and apply material from the text and/or lecture when answering this question. Please aim for an answer that is 150-200 words. Please copy and paste your answer into the assignment submission area or attach a document. Looking over the characteristics of the victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse (p. 155-163) in your text, in what ways are the characteristics of the victim and perpetrator the same or different from those noted in the text?

Instructions: Please use and apply material from the text and/or lecture when answering this question. Please aim for an answer that is 150-200 words. Looking over the forms of neglect (p. 191-199), what types of neglect do you see present in this case? In what ways do you think the neglect this child suffered also overlaps with psychological maltreatment(p. 209)? Do you see potential evidence of psychological abuse?