Psychology Statistics Data Report Project

BEH 391 – Final Project

Research Proposal


Instructions:  For your final project, you will develop your own research question and test your hypothesis using an existing dataset which I will provide to you.  (You will not collect any of your own data.)  After reviewing the list of survey items, please select one variable from each of the following three lists.  Remember that the independent variables are theorized to cause or predict the dependent variable (IV1 + IV2 = DV


Note:  You are limited to the variables listed here.  Each variable may be selected only once.  In other words, altruism cannot be both the independent variable and the dependent variable.



Independent Variable 1

(check one)


☒ Sex

☐ Ethnicity

☐ Religious Preference

☐ “Born Again” Status










Independent Variable 2

(check one)


☐ Altruism

☐ Optimism

☐ Self-Esteem

☐ Parental Attachment

☐ Depression

☒ Anxiety

☐ Stress

☐ Experience of God

☐ Private Religious Practices

☐ Religious Support

☐ Religious Conflict


Dependent Variable

(check one)


☐ Altruism

☐ Optimism

☐ Self-Esteem

☐ Parental Attachment

☐ Depression

☐ Anxiety

☒ Stress

☐ Experience of God

☐ Private Religious Practices

☐ Religious Support

☐ Religious Conflict



  1. Please explain why you believe your first independent variable and your dependent variable are related. Which group(s) do you expect to score higher or lower on the dependent variable, and why?



My first independent variable (sex) and my dependent variable (stress) are related. Men and women tend to experience stress differently. Similarly, men and women react differently to stress. I expect women to score higher than men on the dependent variable. Women suffer more stress compared to men. A 2010 study discovered that women are more likely to experience an increase in stress levels as compared to men. Women are also more likely to report emotional and physical symptoms of stress compared to men (APA, 2012). The stress gap between men and women is because their stress response is different. Women have a different hormonal system that usually causes them to react more emotionally and become more fatigued. Similarly, women are exposed to more stress-related factors since they assume several roles in their daily life.




  1. Please explain why you believe your second independent variable and your dependent variable are related. As the independent variables increases, will the dependent variable increase or decrease?  Why?



My second independent variable (anxiety) is related to my dependent variable (stress). Anxiety and stress can both cause severe physical and mental health issues, such as depression, muscle tension, substance abuse, personality disorders, and insomnia (Powell & Enright, 2015). Both are emotions and normal responses that can become disruptive and overwhelming to day-to-day life. They can interfere with important aspects of life, such as work, relationships, responsibilities, and school. An increase in anxiety can increase stress levels. Research indicates that excessive anxiety can lead to stress-related symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, insomnia, irritability, muscle tension, and fatigue. Individuals can manage their anxiety and stress with relaxation techniques. This includes breathing exercises, yoga, physical activity, art therapy, meditation, and massage.