Conduct a search in professional journals or news articles of mental health where you identify the use of these mental health concepts to discuss and share them in class.

Access the written discussion forum titled The social implications of mental health patients. In that forum, discuss what it means to have a mental health diagnosis like controlled substance abuse when you have a job or attend school. It also includes in the argumentation the use of medications for mental health conditions. Then, read and contribute to at least two publications from classmates.

Ask a question to verify or expand information.

Share your initial comment and compare it with that of your partner’s.

Offer suggestions about the comment.

Validate ideas with own experiences.

Complete or complement your partner’s publication.

Remember to base your writing and the answers to your colleagues with specific references, according to your personal reading, using the format of the latest edition of the APA style. This activity is part of the evaluation (see Rubric of the written discussion forum).