To come up with strategies that will promote the treatment of nicotine addiction, or the cessation of smoking or vaping using the social ecological model of health behavior.
1. Choose one of the following:
- Nicotine addiction treatment
- Smoking cessation
- Vaping cessation
2. Using the social ecological model of health behavior that you have learned during Week 2, come up with at least one cessation implementation strategy for each level, from intrapersonal (individual) to public policy. For your reference, the following diagram depicts the different levels of the social ecological model. You can also refer back to your Week 2 reading: Theory At A Glance – Parts 1 & 2.
For various ideas on treatment and cessation, you should research and find information from reputable sources such as:
- The CDC:
- California Smokers’ Helpline:
- American Lung Association:
- … and many other sources.
3. Answer all of the following question:
- What is your choice of cessation? (nicotine addiction, smoking, or vaping)
- Describe your cessation implementation strategy at the intrapersonal (individual) level
- Describe your cessation implementation strategy at the interpersonal level
- Describe your cessation implementation strategy at the organizational level
- Describe your cessation implementation strategy at the community level
- Describe your cessation implementation strategy at the public policy level