public health disease


Tasks & Submission Format

To complete this DB, please follow these steps:

  1. First, view the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health- January 2017 Key Indicators of Health by Service Planning Area report
    • Please view this PDF copy of the report:  
  2. Second, utilize the report to respond to the prompts below.

Step 1:

Using the LAC DPH- January 2017 Key Indicators of Health by SPA report:

  1. From page 4 of the report, identify the SPA in which you primarily live/work/play/go to school.
  2. From pages 20-25 of the report, *briefly* describe the communicable and/or noncommunicable disease burden in your selected region.  In particular, highlight at least 2 communicable and/or noncommunicable diseases that are highly prevalent and/or those that are less of an issue in your SPA.
  3. Then discuss how you feel about the data representing your SPA (i.e., surprised, angered, relieved, etc.).
  4. Describe some reasons why you think your selected SPA exhibits the disease burden (communicable and/or noncommunicable) shown in the report.
  5. List 1 communicable or noncommunicable disease that is highly prevalent in your SPA. Since Diabetes was used as an example in the PowerPoint/lecture, you may not select Diabetes (even if it is an issue in your selected SPA).  Once the disease is selected, describe 1 example of each of the following prevention measures that could be used to address your selected disease:
    • What is an individual- or community-level primary prevention measure that could be taken to prevent/address your selected disease?
    • What is an individual- or community-level secondary prevention measure that could be taken to prevent/address your selected disease?
    • What is an individual- or community-level tertiary prevention measure that could be taken to prevent/address your selected disease?