TOPIC:- Emergency Preparedness

The purpose of this assignment is to understand how your practicum organization’s emergency responses coordinate with local, state, and national emergency responses.

 In a 900-1,200 word essay address the following:

  1. Explain each component in the four phases of emergency management.
  2. Describe the policies and procedures that your practicum has in place for emergency preparedness and disaster planning.
  3. Identify and describe local, state, and national emergency preparedness resources or plans.
  4. Describe how your practicum organization’s responses coordinate with local, state, and national      emergency responses.
  5. Describe emergency services that should be made available to the population in an emergency.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide  


Review Standard 16. Environmental Health in Public Health Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice.

Read the American Nurses Association (ANA) 2017 Issue Brief, “Who Will Be There? Ethics, the Law, and a Nurses Duty to Respond in a Disaster,” located on the ANA website. URL:

Read “Steps of Emergency Management,” located on the St. Louis County Law and Public Safety website. URL:

Read “Survey and Certification: Emergency Preparedness for Every Emergency,” from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2007). URL:

Read “Emergency Preparedness,” located on the U.S. Department of Human and Health Services website. URL:

Review “Using Bloom’s Taxonomy for Effective Learning,” located on the ThoughtCo website. URL: