Part 1
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Dr. Justin Case has requested that you prepare educational information for the clinic staff on the State of Wisconsin public health reporting requirements; specifically, the Category I urgent and immediate health reporting requirements. Dr. Case would like this information to include a list of the Category I diseases as well as how to report the diseases.
- Create a handout or brochure with the State of Wisconsin Category I public health disease information.
- The handout or brochure must be a least one-page, double-sided.
- Use 11 pt. Calibri font
- Include a list of all Category I diseases.
- Include how to report this information (e.g., the who/what/where of reporting).
- Be sure your information has a professional appearance and has been proofread. Keep in mind your audience, which is all clinic staff.
- Hint: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services website is used by Johnson Clinic.
Part 2
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Dr. Justin Case is interested in reviewing the state of Wisconsin COVID-19 data for the time period of March through July 2020. He would like this information presented through the use of Excel, using both numerical and chart illustrations.
- Research the state of Wisconsin COVID-19 data for March through July 2020. (Hint: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Category I disease website is useful!).
- Present the data in a professional format using Excel.
- Sheet 1 – The data; you may want to drill this down to the County level.
- Sheet 2 – The chart(s). You may select the chart(s) you believe best reflects the data in a meaningful way to Dr. Case (Johnson Medical Clinic is located in Dane County).
- Sheets 1 and 2 – Rename appropriately.
- Reminder: Do not copy and paste the data or copy the charts directly from the website; this is a form of plagiarism.