PROJECT GUIDELINES Your final assignment is composed of 2 parts (A & B) to be completed and turned in together as one document. Part A is an Industry Analysis and Profile of the industry and company of your choice, and Part B is a complete Strategic Management Plan. The group project is due in the last week of class via a Dropbox in canvas.

9Part A: This part of the project consists of conducting ananalys is of an industry where your company of choice operates. If possible,I would like each group to examine a different company, so please obtain approval from me of your industry choice before the fourth week of class and before doing extensive work on the project. Your company industry analysis / profile should include acompany profiles and an industry outlook and suggestions for how a firm in this industry could reverse or capitalize on the forces in its industry to its advantage.

Deliverables:Industry Analysis / Profile Report :I want you to prepare an industry analysis and a company profile. The format for this industry profile is free but it is important that you use as much as possible the tools and techniques you learned in your textbook such as Porter Five Force analysis, STEEP Analysis, SWOT, Industry Matrix, etc.

Part B: Following Part A that focused on industry analysis / company profile, this project will require you to take the next step and do a complete strategic management plan of a public trade company of your choice (The same company used in the Part A). In choosing this company, remember that you need to be able to collect enough information about the company to do a meaningful analysis. A strategic management plan typically include: 

i) some description of the company of interest identifying a problem/issue a company may be currently facing, 

ii) ii) an evaluation of company’s current strategy and possibly major recent corporate initiatives,

iii)   -an assessment of companys performance, 

iv)  -brief companys industry analysis, 

v)  -companys resource analysis,

vi)   -assessment and evaluation of a set of proposed alternative strategies and course of actions

vii) -recommendations based on issues/opportunities identified. 


The actual Strategic Management Plan for the company of your choice.