Topic For Composition Exercise :
I conclude that the purpose of formal education is to help individuals live free and independent lives so they can do what they want, when they want, how they want and wake up and work when they want as Mark Cuban and Layan Bubbly would say.  What type of education helps individuals achieve such freedom?  Do you agree with my conclusion or is the purpose of education and learning something else?  Also we live in the information age with waves of information washing over us and constantly shifting.  How do you know if what you read, hear, watch or see is reliable? Please answer these questions and explain your answers.  Also quote from the YouTube videos bellow.

Read the articles and watch the videos below which will help you with composition exercise.  Please quote from the articles and videos in your exercise as well as answer the questions in the topic.

On YouTube please watch Shift Happens

The Luxuries of Life-What the 1% of Elite have over you

and  Mark Cuban on the FIRE Movement: Financial Independence, Retire Early

Think about the three questions in the topic. Focus on the Cuban, Bubbly and Shift Happens video.  Avoid the subject of children since that’s not the focus of the topic either.

Please keep your response simple.  Dont do more than what I ask in the topic.

In the topic Im asking three questions so divide your exercise into three parts and answer one question per part.

Do you agree with my conclusion as to the purpose of education ; if yes or no why?

How can formal (college/university) education help us live free?  Please note that Im not asking about the current state of higher education nor what its purpose is.  Im asking what should it be.  What do individuals need to know to live free?  You could give an individual several million dollars and within a year hes spent all of it and is now in more debt and less free than before he got the millions?  What does Cuban know?

What has he learned that he can live as he describes?  I ask you the same thing about Bubblys friend.

Im also asking about the nature of information.  How can we evaluate the value of information especially how can we trust that its the truth?

Dont forget to quote from the videos.

For your composition exercises please write:
1. (format) a 500-word composition.  Use Courier New, 12-point font and double space and MLA style.