Purpose: One of the goals for the course is for you to be able to read a piece of primary research in the field of Cognitive Psychology and be able to summarize and interpret not only the important fi

Purpose: One of the goals for the course is for you to be able to read a piece of primaryresearch in the field of Cognitive Psychology and be able to summarize and interpret not onlythe important findings but also the methods as well.Skills: By completing this assignment, students will practice the following skills that areessential to the course.- Locate and paraphrase empirical research questions- Identify and operationalize key variables in research designs- Interpret and summarize important results- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of a research articleTask: Here are the steps to take when completing this assignment1. Read the research article once through, to get a general outline of the research study.2. Re-read the research article, while answering the questions in the assignment.Note: If this is your first time reading a research article in Cognitive Psychology, you may verywell struggle to find some of the answers, or you may find that it is taking you a long time tocomplete this. This is normal, and demonstrates that you are doing the correct things and findthe answers to the questions.Criteria:Students will be awarded full credit for this assignment by making an attempt at each question.This assignment is intentionally not graded based on the accuracy of your answer because thismaybe your first time. I want to encourage you to try to find the answers to these questionsArticle reference (in APA format)1. What is the point of the study? What was its purpose or its aim? In other words, why was thestudy conducted?2. What specific type of research study is it? Is it a case study or in-depth interviews? Is itobservational? Is it a survey? Is it an experiment? How do you know?3. What are the study’s hypotheses? What do they expect/predict to find? Or, is there nohypothesis? If not, why not?4. What are the study’s key variables? How are they being operationally defined? In otherwords, how specifically are they measured or manipulated? Make sure to include all relevantvariables!5. What are the key findings of the study? Do they support the hypotheses? Make sure toreport all findings directly relevant to the research question.6. What conclusions do the researchers draw from their study? Are those conclusions valid orjustified?

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