This assignment provides you with the opportunity to apply globalization theories of modernization and dependency to explain labor in low-income regions like Bangladesh.
This discussion is aligned with the module learning objectives #4, 5, and 6.
Please refer to the discussion guidelines to participate in the discussion.
Part 1: Initial Post
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- Watch the video “How Fair Is Fashion? Issues in Globalization” [Length 26:14].
- The theories and concepts from Chapter 10 Global Inequality and Chapter 18.1-18.2 in your textbook are applied in the video. Look for examples in the film of Modernization theory, Dependency theory, the feminization of poverty, and capitalism.
- Write a discussion of at least two full paragraphs in which you describe how the stark contrast between high income nations (like the US) and low income nations (like Bangladesh) can be explained through the following concepts:
- capitalism
- Modernization theory OR Dependency theory
- the feminization of poverty.
You will want to include examples from the film and information learned from the textbook in your discussion.
video: How Fair Is Fashion? Issues in Globalization Full Video (26:14)
I think you need credentials to access the video but I have the transcript.
book: https://assets.openstax.org/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/IntroductiontoSociology3e-WEB_9QTqRGQ.pdf?_gl=1*caatb4*_gcl_au*NjAwMjA0MTQwLjE3MzA0MTg5MDU.*_ga*NzE0MTQwNzgwLjE3MzA0MTg4Mzc.*_ga_T746F8B0QC*MTczMDQxODg4OC4xLjEuMTczMDQxOTEyOS41MC4wLjA.