
 each half page


We all have values, aspiration, and a sense of purpose that define who we are and how we live. What is your personal mission? Describe how your personal mission and professional goals align.- help special needs 


 Describe an ethical dilemma you have faced. How was it resolved and how might this experience influence your future career or your time as an advanced standing student? 


 Describe a time when you worked on a team to solve a problem or develop a project. What did you learn about the challenges faced by teams? 


 Describe a time when you worked on a team to solve a problem or develop a project. What did you learn about the challenges faced by teams? 


Comment on your ability to work with a team, both as a leader and as a productive team member.


The dental patient population is becoming more diverse with time. Share your experiences working with diverse groups of people.


Communication is key in modern healthcare. Share your skills set, experiences, and strengths/weaknesses in communication. This may include experiences in expository writing, public speaking, drama/acting, debate, etc.