Exercise 6 Need ½ page respond on each question

Book- Sex at work by Mari Florence

Exercise 6


6.1:  Summarize “The Subtle Stuff” discussed in Ch. 8 of the Florence text

(pp. 291-300).


6.2:  Explain the various workplace gray areas that must be addressed

(Florence, pp. 300-301),


6.3:  What is the significance of dress codes (Florence, pp. 300-301)?


6.4:  Discuss the defining issues differentiating the Anita Hill Case from

the Paula Jones Case (Florence, pp. 302-305).


6.5:  Describe the origins of stereotyping (Florence, pp. 305-306).  How might

an organization reduce this type of behavior?


6.6:  Evaluate the role of culture and religion in stereotyping based on gender

specific behavior (Florence, pp. 306-307).


6.7:  Discuss the difference between the legal and practical views of sexual

harassment as a form of discrimination (Florence, pp. 308-316).


6.8:  How might an organization use the concept of BFOQs to discriminate

against women (Florence, pp. 316-318)?   Are you in favor of BFOQs?

Justify your position.


6.9:  Explain the importance of “The Implied Mommy/Daddy Track” (Florence,

  1. 318-321).  How involved should organizations try to become in the

career plans of an entire family?  Explain your answer.


6.10: Study the section entitled “Sex, Lies, and Modest Behavior” in the

Florence text (pp. 322-325).  What is the major message conveyed

by the author in this section?