
Answer the below questions in paragraphs, with complete sentences. Language should be formal. Answers should exist as stand alone entities that can be read without reference to the questions. Answers should be no longer than 300 words 


 Q: Is the PaleoDiet, as advocated in popular diet books, a good representation of the diet eaten by Paleolithic peoples? How do you know? 

 Good answer:

 The PaleoDiet calls for a diet high in fish and olive oil, with moderate consumption of wine to promote healthy living. It argues that we are best adapted to the diet of our ancestors. The details of the PaleoDiet, however, diverge markedly from the diets consumed by actual Paleolithic peoples. Effective fishing techniques were not invented until ~50,000 years ago, and olives and grapes were not domesticated until a few thousand years ago. The foodstuffs advocated for by the PaleoDiet, therefore, were not available to Paleolithic Peoples.


1. What is cultural relativism? And why is it important in understanding human behavior?

2. What is evolutionary constraint? Offer an example of it that can be observed in modern bodies.

3. Name two intellectual influences important in Charles Darwins development of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Describe the ways in which these people influenced Darwin.