
Respond to each of the items below. Be precise, thorough, and accurate with the information. Each item is 5 pts. The submission should make evident a thorough understanding of material articulated at a graduate level. Each question should be answered thoroughly at least paragraph long. If sport related use college track as an example if need one or NCAA if possible

Course text:    Cuneen, J. and Tobar, D.A. (2015). Sport industry research & analysis: an approach to informed decision making. Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers, Inc.: Scottsdale, AZ

Print ISBN: 978-1-62159-017-0

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-62159-018-7

1.What is the most reliable form of inquiry that you would consider doing, explain why with no less than 4 supporting   reasons.

2. Why is validity and reliability critical in data collection and how do they relate to the various forms of sampling?

3.   In order to conduct descriptive research, why must the critical variables be defined in order to maintain the studys   conclusions direct relationship to the study results?

4.  When conducting historical research, what is/are the value(s) of sources one would use, and how does this differ from   philosophical research?

5.  What are at least 4 distinct differences in qualitative research, a.k.a. natural inquiry vs. quantitative research, and what is   at least one advantage of qualitative research in the sport industry?

6. Why is the selection of the study participants crucial when conducting a Delphi method of research?

7. Why and how does the results of experimental research relate to the researchers hypothesis?

8.  Explain the three types of case study research, and explain 2 pros and 2 cons for choosing this method for research.

9. Why should sport organizations/industries conduct feasibility and/or profitability studies, give at least two specific       professional scenarios where they would apply. (As a track and field coach)

10.  How would funded investigation, grants and contracts, benefit you as a sport leader?