


1: Research question A In what ways do social media users experience cyber bullying?

Survey or interview question 1 

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from (you dont need to provide responses if conducting interviews. Interview questions have to be open ended)

Survey or interview question 2

List all survey responses (response categories) (response categories) that participants will choose from

Survey or interview question 3

List all survey responses (response categories)that participants will choose from.

Survey or interview question 4

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from.

Repeat the above until you exhaust your questions

2: Research question B how does cyber bullying affect social media users?

Survey or interview question 1

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from.

Survey or interview question 2

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from

Survey or interview question 3

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from.

Survey or interview question 4

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from.

Repeat the above until you exhaust your questions

3:  Research question C How do victims address cyber bullying?

Survey or interview question 1

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from.

Survey or interview question 2

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from

Survey or interview question 3

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from.

Survey or interview question 4

List all survey responses (response categories) that participants will choose from.

Repeat the above until you exhaust your questions