Questions and answers

Post Your Answers by Mon. 3/8.  Post Your Reply by Tues. 3/9.  Assignment Closes 11:59 PM Wed. 3/10. 

A.  Please Introduce Yourself to everyone in our Course by answering the following questions IN DETAIL (to earn maximum points).  Read and answer questions carefully to avoid losing points.  NUMBER items CORRECTLY in your Post to avoid losing (-5) points each time you do not.  Ten (+10) points maximum for the ENTIRE Assignment if you do not number your answers.  

1—What writing skills do you think you improved in your last writing class?   (10 pts)

2—What writing skills do you think you need to improve this semester?   (10 pts)

3—Do you think every piece of your writing for this course should be given a  grade/score?  (10 pts)

4—What do you think about peer reviews (classmates evaluating and giving you feedback about your writing)?  (10 pts)

5—Tell us about yourself as a reader.   (10 pts)

6—Tell us about your college and career goals. (10 pts)

8—How do you see writing skills applying to your career goals?  (10 pts)

Provide DETAILED or THOROUGH answers to gain full points.  REMEMBER that this is a college (higher learning) WRITING class.