quick post

Discussion Guidelines:This discussion is worth 25 points, and requires an initial post and one response  post to a peer, with references. Both the initial and response posts are due on the same day. Reference all sources you’ve cited within your answers at the end of your narrative.  Do not write a formal paper with title and reference pages.  However, use headings to delineate sections of your narrative that speak to the question(s). Be brief, yet concise, when answering the questions and include citations to support your statements.  The Canvas discussion platform does not lend itself to setting up your narrative to APA formatting in regards to margins and indentations.  However, you are required to comply with APA in regards to all other components, i.e., grammar, spelling, complete sentences, proper use of headings, correct citations and reference sequencing and use of capitalization and italics.Do not upload a document, if you do so this will not be graded.  You may copy and paste a prepared written submission. Initial Post: *500 word minimum.

  1. Briefly describe a topic and the target audience you are planning to use for your Health Promotion Project or use your self as an example. (It does not have to be your final topic or audience selection, and if you are struggling to think of a possible topic, you can describe one of the Discussion 2 scenarios for this assignment. (2 points)
  2. It is strongly suggested that you use what you plan to use in your Health Promotion Project Plan (HPPP)  (2 points)
  3. Using 3 different learning domains discussed in Bastable, pg. , write a minimum of 2 course/project/presentation Learning Objectives for each domain. Be sure to use  the correct 4 part method discussed in Bastable, pg.472 – 473, including the table on pg. 474. Remember that goals are broad and long term. Your objectives should be directly related to your course/project/presentation and be measurable. (Ex: How many items do you want the attendee or participant to identify, or what are the specific steps you would like them to demonstrate?).  Select your objective verbs carefully so that you will be able to evaluate the objectives easily in your project setting. Please see the HPPP assignment for some additional instruction and suggestions for how to write objectives. (4 points) 
  4. Identify the different Learning Domain for each objective.  (2 points)
  5. Provide a detailed example of a teaching method for each Learning Domain (2 points)
  6. Use two scholarly references to cite your work – a nursing scholarly article and/or reputable internet site and/or textbook. (3 points)

THE GOAL I HAVE SELECTED: HDS-24Reduce hospitalizations of older adults with heart failure as the principal diagnosis.
Objectives: He/she will be able to identify signs and symptoms of heart failure He/she will live a healthy lifestyle and interventions to avoid reoccurance He/she will be able to identify the different types of heart failure Taxonomy of Objectives According to Learning Domains The Cognitive Domain The Affective Domain The Psychomotor Domain