
  •  Question 1
    2 Points Which of the following uses of copyrighted material would most likely be regarded a fair use? 

    A newspaper publishing company uses a few stanzas of a poem in an obituary for a poet.

    Ford Motor Co. uses scenes from a feature film for a TV advertisement in which the hero is driving a Ford Mustang car.

    Royal Copy Center copies 22 chapters from various books and sells it as an astronomy textbook to college students.

    A clothing company creates and sells a T-shirt featuring a picture of Chris Evans as Captain America on the front.

  •  Question 2
    2 Points Trademark law can protect: 

    The name of a product

    An advertising slogan

    The way a product is packaged

    All of these answers 

  •  Question 3
    2 Points Which of the following cannot be copyrighted? 

    A photograph

    A motion picture title

    A musical score

    A bronze sculpture

  •  Question 4
    2 Points Which of the following statements is true about copyright law? 

    The U.S. Constitution specifically sets the limit on the duration of copyright ownership.

    Facts, such as the scores of NFL games, are not eligible for copyright protection.

    The copyright in works created by multiple authors belongs to the main author.

    Works produced by an employee in the scope of her employment are owned by her.

  •  Question 5
    2 Points A work becomes protected by U.S. copyright law when:

    It is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.

    It is created.

    It is first published.

    The copyright registration fee is paid.

  •  Question 6
    2 Points When U.S. Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in 1998, it implemented the: 

    European Union Copyright Directive

    World Intellectual Property Organization treaties

    Berne Convention treaty

    Communications Decency Act

  •  Question 7
    2 Points When determining the similarity of 1 work to another in an infringement question, some courts use a 2-part test that asks whether the 2 works: 

    Have the same types of characters and scenes

    Appeared at about the same time and are in the same medium (e.g., both are films)

    Have the same general theme expressed in the same way

    Are in the same medium and have the same kinds of characters

  •  Question 8
    2 Points If a writer sells a magazine the first serial rights to a story she has written, the magazine has the right to: 

    Publish the story as many times as it wants.

    Publish the story as a serial (i.e., break it into several parts and publish each of them multiple times).

    Publish it first, but only once, anywhere in the world.

    Resell the story to another publisher after it uses the story.

  •  Question 9
    2 Points The travel agency, “A 1-800-AMERICAN,” bought listings in telephone yellow pages under the heading “Airlines.” Because its name began with “A 1,” the travel agency was generally listed first in the airlines sections, often right before American Airlines. The actual toll-free phone number for the travel agency was 1-800-263-7422 (1-800-AMERICA). American Airlines brought a lawsuit against the travel agency, and the court ruled in favor of American Airlines. The travel agency was prohibited from continuing to use the name A 1-800-AMERICAN and the phone number 1-800-AMERICA. The most likely basis for the court’s ruling was that: 

    The travel agency’s use was not a fair use.

    The travel agency was diluting American Airlines’ trademark.

    Commercial speech is less protected by the First Amendment.

    The travel agency’s name and phone number created a likelihood of consumer confusion.

  •  Question 10
    2 Points Commercial speech did not officially receive any First Amendment protection until the: 





  •  Question 11
    2 Points The U.S. Supreme Court defines commercial speech as: 

    Advertisements that include the price of a product

    Speech that proposes a commercial transaction

    Advertisements that include the name of a company or manufacturer

    Speech that specifically and precisely mentions the price of a product

  •  Question 12
    2 Points What is the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU)?

    It is part of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

    It is part of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

    It is a self-regulatory entity.

    None of the answers is correct.

  •  Question 13
    2 Points The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) consider an advertiser deceptive when:
      An advertiser makes a false statement.

      An advertiser omits important information in an ad.

      An advertiser implies a false claim by juxtaposing 2 statements.

      All of the answers are correct.

  •  Question 14
    2 Points Under the commercial speech doctrine, the government must prove that it has what type of an interest to justify a regulation on truthful advertisement for a lawful product? 

    A compelling interest

    A substantial interest

    A probable interest

    A reasonable interest

  •  Question 15
    2 Points How many commissioners are there at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)? 





  •  Question 16
    2 Points In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in FCC v. Fox Television Stations that: 

    The Federal Communications Commissions (FCC’s) current rules regarding broadcast indecency violate the First Amendment.

    The FCC failed to give broadcasters sufficient notice about changes in its indecency rules.

    Both A and B are correct.

    Neither A nor B is correct.

  •  Question 17
    2 Points On a national basis, a single entity may own TV stations reaching up to what maximum percentage of the national TV viewing audience? 





  •  Question 18
    2 Points Which of the following is not 1 of the 3 traditional Federal Communication Commission (FCC) policy objectives that is supposed to serve the public interest? 





  •  Question 19
    2 Points TV stations are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for how many years? 





  •  Question 20
    2 Points Which of the following areas of broadcast programming is regulated most heavily? 

    Children’s programming

    Sports programming

    News programming


  •  Question 21
    2 Points The candidate access rule requires broadcasters to:

    Give all public-office candidates a reasonable opportunity to buy broadcast time at radio and TV stations.

    Give all public-office candidates an equal opportunity to appear on a radio or TV station.

    Give all federal-office candidates a reasonable opportunity to buy time on radio and TV stations.

    Give all federal-office candidates an equal opportunity to appear on radio and TV stations.

  •  Question 22
    2 Points In 2004, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) concluded that acceptance speech made by U2 singer, Bono, during the Golden Globe Awards made NBC’s broadcast of that program: 



    Both indecent and obscene

    Indecent and profane

  •  Question 23
    2 Points According to the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC’s) safe-harbor zone, indecent content may be broadcast on TV without facing legal action during which time frames?

    10:00 p.m.6:00 a.m.

    11:00 p.m.6:00 a.m.

    12:006:00 a.m.

    12:008:00 a.m.

  •  Question 24
    2 Points Under Section 315 of the Communications Act, the term “equal opportunity” means: 

    Equal time

    Equal facilities

    Comparable costs

    All of these answers 

  •  Question 25
    2 Points To fall within the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC’s) definition of indecency, the content must relate to which of the following? 

    Nudity or prurient interests

    Sexual or violent images and dialogue

    Sex, sexual violence, or sexual humiliation

    Sexual or excretory activities or organs