race and ethnic relations SOCY 240

1. What was the indian removal act? explain how this act was justified by president Andrew Jackson.

2. Discuss the role of the of the mass media in transmitting and perpetuating ethnic stereotypes. Provide some examples from current television and motion pictures.

3. Select an American ethnic group and discuss the extent to which its members have been assimilated. Discuss various social dimensions in which this group has displayed either strong, mild, or weak assimilation. 

4. Explain why blacks rather than other groups were chosen to be slaves in american society 

5. Explain how a European-based racist ideology was developed to support the slave system.


2 pages each question total of 10 pages. No plagiarism.

Please answer completely at least two pages each question double space font 12 Times New Roman. You must use personal examples and utilize content of the course. Answers will be incomplete without the theories that we did in the course.  Please read the instructions carefully for the exam.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated and I will read every word. 90 % of your exam answers must be your own words and if that is not the case it will be reflected in your grade earned. Any citation from sources must be clearly cited.  Please do not use other students work. Copy and paste will not tolerated. I expect many personal examples and the theories that were taught in the course on the exam.  Please follow all my instructions.