Race – Native Americans


Introduction: This assignment will assist in your gaining a better understanding of social issues within the Native American community.

This assignment fulfills/supports:

Module Outcome: You will be able to understand how has racism influenced social policies throughout U.S. history.

Module Course Outcome: You will be able to explain the nature of deviance and its most common forms and the social stratification found in contemporary societies to include gender and race/ethnicity.

General Education Competency You will be able to communicate effectively using the conventions of American Standard English in professional and academic environments. You will be able to demonstrate socialization skills that support cultural awareness and a global perspective. You will have used critical thinking to analyze problems and make logical decisions. You will be able to demonstrate computer literacy.


The Native American are often viewed as an invisible minority. This assignment will give you the chance to explore unique issues within the Native American Community.

Please complete your research on one of the topics below into the Discussion Board- based on one of the following topics to share with you classmates. Discuss at least two main points that support why this is a problem within this racial group. You can use our FTCC library, textbook or ,.edu, .gov. or .org sources. 

(Please choose one topic below- develop your initial discussion board post- explaining why (based upon your research)- the issue you chose is an ongoing problem in the community for Native Americans, that reinforce the concept that this group is often considered an invisible minority- more research is needed in these areas in society.

What is a fact you were surprised to learn about that you can share with your classmates regarding this racial goup. 


1. Choose ONE of the issues below affecting Native Americans. Explain why this issue is a social problem and has negatively affected Native Americans. Include two main points about the issue and its affect upon this racial group.

2. What are solutions that can help Native Americans?

3. What is a fact you were surprised to learn about that you can share with your classmates regarding this racial goup. 

3. Include your references at the end of your response.

(For your research, try also using our FTCC databases-(You can find the FTCC Databases within our FTCC library Link: https://www.faytechcc.edu/campus-life/academic-support/library/

Some of the databases that may be useful are: SIRS, Opposing Viewpoints, Issues and Controversies, CQ Researcher. You can also use .edu, .gov. or org sources (no .com sources).


* Suicide in the Native American Culture

* The Fight for Lumbee Indians National Recognition

* The American Indian Movement

* Indian Casinos

* Gender Relations among Native People

* The Use of Peyote and other Psychotropic Substances by Native People

* The Effect of Alcohol on Native People

* Mascots and Native American Protest

* Poverty on Reservation and & Native American Communities

* Mass Incarceration in the Native American Community]

* Diabetes & Health -Related issues in the Native American Community