Re-entry Training Program for Inmates

Social Inequality

Re-entry Training Program for Inmates

Your assignment must be typed and not to exceed 3 pages, double-spaced.

You have been assigned to develop and implement a Re-entry Training Program for selected inmates at a County Justice Facility.  Please share how you would create this type of program for specific groups of minority inmates that are scheduled to be released in the next 12-24 months.  Refer to your text to justify what topics you would include in your training. As you plan your training activity, be sure to answer the following questions.

You may consider designing your program for one of the inmate groups below.

    Male or Female inmates in recovery
    Male or Female inmates diagnosed with a mental illness
    Male or Female inmates who are parents
    Males or Females who are gang members
    Transgender inmates
    Male or Females inmates who pedophiles
    Male or Female older/senior inmates
    Preparing the community to accept the return of ex-offenders

You may also consider developing a training program specifically for officers to prepare them to deal more effectively with diversity/cultural issues.

1    What is the overall goal(s) of your training program?
2    What is the projected length of the training program and the frequency of each session?
3    Who would be responsible for conducting the program?
4    What resources, both financial and human, would be needed to implement the program?
5    What kind of assessment(s) would you use to measure the programs effectiveness?
6    How would job readiness and continuing education programs be incorporated into your training program?
7    What is the estimated cost for this training program? How would it be funded?
Be sure to include any items that you feel may have been omitted from the list of questions in your training program overview.