Read Question In It’s Entirety And Answer

Counselor Definition
In a few sentences, describe what led you to graduate education in the counseling profession and your career goals.

Life Skills
Many life experiences and skills developed in your past will serve you as a professional counselor. Consider skills (do not include technology skills) you have obtained from current or past employment, community volunteer services, or extracurricular activity experiences. Summarize two or three skills that will make you a competent professional counselor.

Training to become a professional counselor requires deliberate growth and development including receiving and applying constructive feedback. As a student, you will receive ongoing and substantial constructive feedback regarding your scholarly performance (i.e., knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors). Share how you have processed, responded to, and applied past constructive feedback that was difficult to hear.

Multicultural/Diversity competence is explored extensively in the School of Counseling graduate programs. Considering that having a cultural or implicit bias is a normal experience for all individuals, identify a closely held value or belief that will be the most difficult for you to respect while interacting with others and explain why.

Identify three to five activities that you do to manage personal mental health, emotional problems, stress, and/or interpersonal relationships effectively.