Reading Engagement 2


Choice 9: Historic and Cultural Contextualization through an Annotated Bibliography

Write a four-source annotated bibliography, reviewing intelligent sources that allow you to historically and culturally contextualize one of the weeks texts (For example, in week 3, you work with a text read in week 3 to complete the RE. In week 4, you use a text you read in week 4, and so on). Each of the sources you review should help you to situate your text in terms of its culture and history. Your sources can be primary and secondary. Consider the following research points for your four sources: time period, writing style or school, dress, geography, author, objects or artifacts mentioned in the text, and culture. The annotation (summary) of each source should include a summary of the source and a 2-3 sentence statement explaining how this information enriches your understanding of the text. This assignment is predicated upon the premise that you wrote an annotated bibliography in English Composition II. If you did not write an annotated bibliography, please see the OWL at Purdue for models. An annotated bibliography should be half a page and follow APA or Turabian conventions. This is a good option for someone who likes to read about literature and who can follow APA or Turabian standards.



  • Understand the general nature, purposes, and techniques of literature with a sense of its relationship to life and culture.
  • Understand the biographical, historical, and cultural contexts of a representative selection of works by major writers.
  • Identify the relationships among the literary works studied and the philosophical, religious, political, social, and economic milieus of the cultures and subcultures within and among which they were written.
  • Engage and respond to literary texts personally and creatively.
  • Think, write, and speak about literary texts critically and effectively.