Reading Questions



Reading Terms and Questions

Data for Life: Wearable Technology and The Design of Self-Care?






Consumer Electronics Show

Digital health

Digital health summit

Lifestyle diseases

Drugs for life

Data for life


Self as database/database self

Fourth person experience






The “nudge”/digital nudge

Regime of anticipation

Choice architecture




1.What is digital health, and how does it shape our lives and visions of health? And what are some of the economic and health-care forces that are driving its growth?


  1. What are “lifestyle diseases,” and how are they related to “drugs for life” and “data for life.”


  1. What methods and data does Schüll use to support her argument?


  1. What do digital health designers and marketers mean when they say “every bite is a potential teaching experience?” Can you provide some examples from the article and your own life?


  1. How might we use the concepts of biopower, the dvidual, molecularization,choice making/responibilization, and datafication help us understand digital health and the database?


  1. What is a regime of anticipation in the context of digital health, and how does the (digital) “nudge” fit in?