reading refelction


Stone et al. (2010): Question #6 (p. 268-273)]
Carbado (2013)
McIntosh (1988)
Pittelman & Resource Generation (2013)
Schlosser (2013)
Taylor (2013)

What stood out to you from the readings? What reactions do you have about them and where might these reactions be coming from?
What does privilege mean to you? How have certain privileges (or lack of privileges) affected you/your life experiences?
Why is knowledge of diversity important in leadership?
Grading Guideline: 
Incorporated readings as evidenced by citations of readings and using content within the readings to respond to the prompts provided (2 points)
Incorporated personal experience (2 points)
For example: How does the reading relate to specific aspects or experiences in your personal life? What reactions are you having to reading (e.g., did something surprise you, confuse you)? What emotion(s) are you feeling? What do you think about it (e.g., do you agree or disagree with points made in the readings and why)?
Addressed the prompt provided on Brightspace (2 points)
Writing style (e.g., grammar, APA style) (2 points)